Aminet 52
Aminet 52 (2002)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 2002].iso
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Text File
75 lines
| Contents of the directory pix : Pictures
Morphos-pics.lha pix/back 620K 5+Morphos backgrounds
MorphosDesktop.lha pix/back 620K 6+Morphos backgrounds
ADocArtMI.lha pix/gicon 13K 5+A GlowIconsSet for AutodocArt
AmfMI.lha pix/gicon 14K 5+A GlowIconsSet for AMF
Berlin-Icon.lha pix/gicon 38K 6+Icons: Brandenburger Tor, Quadriga, Reic
DBackupMI.lha pix/gicon 15K 5+A GlowIconsSet for DailyBackup
FenriXGIcons.lha pix/gicon 462K 1+Some glowIcons, mostly drawers
FFNewsMI.lha pix/gicon 20K 5+A GlowIconsSet for FFNews
mapPlugMI.lha pix/gicon 14K 5+A GlowIconsSet for mapPlug
moreHTMLMI.lha pix/gicon 11K 5+A GlowIconsSet for moreHTML
MReaderMI.lha pix/gicon 20K 5+A GlowIconsSet for MagicReader
MUISearchMI.lha pix/gicon 12K 5+A GlowIconsSet for MUISearch
nICkONs-2.lha pix/gicon 116K 3+Game glowicons
pEditorMI.lha pix/gicon 13K 5+A GlowIconsSet for pEditor
PetersGlowIcon.lha pix/gicon 66K 6+Some glow icons made by me or alterd
PintMI.lha pix/gicon 12K 5+A GlowIconsSet for Pint
PlotterMI.lha pix/gicon 14K 5+A GlowIconsSet for Plotter3D
PoWinMI.lha pix/gicon 23K 5+A GlowIconsSet for PowerWindows
ProRenMI.lha pix/gicon 10K 5+A GlowIconsSet for ProRen
PygmIconsGL_D2.lha pix/gicon 679K 0+PygmiconsGL_D2 - GlowIcons Demo pack vol
PygmIconsGL_G2.lha pix/gicon 568K 3+PygmiconsGL_G2 - GlowIcons Game Pack vol
ScalosMI.lha pix/gicon 17K 5+A GlowIconsSet for Scalos
TransCatMI.lha pix/gicon 13K 5+A GlowIconsSet for TransCat
trodas_icons.lha pix/gicon 1.9M 1+Glow icons made/remade by trodas
UpdaterMI.lha pix/gicon 11K 5+A GlowIconsSet for Updater
VoimariiMI.lha pix/gicon 11K 5+A GlowIconsSet for Voimariini
WordPadMI.lha pix/gicon 44K 5+A GlowIconsSet for WordPad
AtariGlowIcons.lha pix/icon 47K 1+Atari icons converted to GlowIcons + 4 d
MacGlow.lha pix/icon 182K 6+114 Macintosh Icons converted to GlowIco
MacGlow2.lha pix/icon 361K 4+278 Macintosh Icons converted to GlowIco
MiscsOS3.5game.lha pix/icon 101K 6+OS3.5/9 icons for some games
PygmIconsNX_D2.lha pix/icon 540K 0+PygmiconsNX_D2 - NewIcons xtd (eXTenD) D
PygmIconsRI_G2.lha pix/icon 49K 3+PygmiconsRI_G2 - RomIcons Game Pack volu
TicTacToe.jpg pix/imagi 20K 1+The game never played like this before
anl-strip_4.lha pix/misc 76K 6+[ancor] a normal life
anl-strip_5.lha pix/misc 49K 1+[ancor] a normal life
nwo-strip_7.lha pix/misc 55K 6+[ancor] now way out
nwo-strip_8.lha pix/misc 43K 1+[ancor] now way out
our_tree.jpg pix/misc 164K 6+Our tree - AMIGA, picture by SZAMAN
PA_2002_01.lha pix/misc 1.2M 6+Pianeta Amiga 2002 archive 01
PA_2002_02.lha pix/misc 1.5M 6+Pianeta Amiga 2002 archive 02
PA_2002_03.lha pix/misc 6.0M 6+Pianeta Amiga 2002 archive 03
PA_2002_04.lha pix/misc 2.3M 6+Pianeta Amiga 2002 archive 04
PA_2002_05.lha pix/misc 4.2M 6+Pianeta Amiga 2002 archive 05
PA_2002_06.lha pix/misc 2.5M 4+Pianeta Amiga 2002 archive 06
PA_2002_07.lha pix/misc 1.7M 3+Pianeta Amiga 2002 archive 07
sakuvk01.lha pix/misc 1.8M 4+Pics from Finnish Amiga UG 2001 meeting.
sakuvk02.lha pix/misc 4.6M 4+Pics from Finnish Amiga UG 2002 meeting.
Satire10-Jul02.jpg pix/misc 56K 1+"La satire du Jet d'Ail" in pictures on
sgd-strip_19.lha pix/misc 45K 6+[ancor] StarGround darkness
sgd-strip_20.lha pix/misc 55K 6+[ancor] StarGround darkness
sgd-strip_21.lha pix/misc 42K 1+[ancor] StarGround darkness
sgd-strip_22.lha pix/misc 53K 1+[ancor] StarGround darkness
sgd-strip_23.lha pix/misc 48K 1+[ancor] StarGround darkness
zeeball01.jpg pix/misc 36K 6+How Zeeball look like #1
zeeball02.jpg pix/misc 173K 6+How Zeeball look like #2
vd-ami2k1s_eng.mpg pix/mpg 40M 3+<VD> show report "Amiga 2001", small, En
vd-ami2k1_eng.mpg pix/mpg 42M 1+<VD> show report "Amiga 2001", medium, E
WatHo_jump.mpg pix/mpg 533K 8+Jumping the bar
WatHo_twist.mpg pix/mpg 265K 8+The bar that wouldn't stand still
PygmIconsNX_G2.lha pix/nicon 486K 3+PygmiconsNX_G2 - NewIcons xtd (eXTenD) G
DasEisBricht.jpg pix/trace 65K 9+From the Series V - Breaking the Ice
GoldenGate.jpg pix/trace 77K 9+Golden Gate Bridge by Starfleet
Invasion.jpg pix/trace 64K 6+Invasion
Konflikt.jpg pix/trace 104K 9+Konflikt - NX-01 and a new Ship
NewWorld.jpg pix/trace 148K 9+Konflikt - NX-01 and a new Ship
NX-01.jpg pix/trace 80K 6+NX-01 Enterprise
Raumpiraten.jpg pix/trace 147K 6+Acquisition from the Series V
Soyuz1.jpg pix/trace 103K 9+Soyus Station and NX-01
DiamondWBsnap.jpg pix/wb 162K 10+Diamond green 1024x768 desktop snapshot
LavaWBsnap.jpg pix/wb 162K 10+Lava red 1024x768 desktop snapshot by Mi
TrodasWB.jpg pix/wb 168K 5+Yet another WB grab by trodas